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Database including following tables:
-BOREHOLENO (Borehole number/ID in the format AA-BB, AA = Area/transect number, and BB = Location/nest number)
-ELEVATION (Terrain elevation in m at borehole, DVR90)
-XUTM (X coordinate, UTM zone 32N, Euref89)
-YUTM (Y coordinate, UTM zone 32N, Euref89)
-DRAIN (Drain number/ID)
-XUTM (X coordinate, UTM zone 32N, Euref89)
-YUTM (Y coordinate, UTM zone 32N, Euref89)
-Notes (Drain type/diameter)
LITHSAMP (following the structure and field codes of the Danish National Borehole Database, Jupiter)
-BOREHOLENO (Borehole number/ID corresponding to ID in the BOREHOLE table)
-SAMPLENO (Sample number/ID)
-TOP (Top of sample in m below terrain)
-BOTTOM (Bottom of sample in m below terrain)
-ROCKSYMBOL (Lithology code, l=clay, s=sand, ft=peat, fp=gyttja, ml=clay till, fv=interchanging lithologies, g=gravel, x=unknown)
-BOREHOLENO (Borehole number/ID corresponding to ID in the BOREHOLE table)
-SCREENNO (Screen number starting from the deepest screen in each nest)
-TOP (Elevation in m of top of screen)
-BOTTOM (Elevation in m of bottom of screen)
-PIPELENGTH (Total piezometer length in m)
-HABOVETERRAIN (Piezometer pipe length above terrain in m)
-TERRAIN (Terrain elevation in m, DVR90)
-XUTM (X coordinate, UTM zone 32N, Euref89)
-YUTM (Y coordinate, UTM zone 32N, Euref89)
-K (Hydraulic conductivity measured in screen in m/s)
-BOREHOLENO (Borehole number/ID corresponding to BOREHOLENO in the BOREHOLE table)
-INTAKENO (Intake number corresponding to SCREENNO in the SCREEN table)
-DATEOFMEAS (Measurement date)
-REDOX (Redox potential in mV relative to a standard hydrogen electrode)
-LABID (Laboratory ID)
-BOREHOLE (Borehole number/ID corresponding to BOREHOLENO in the BOREHOLE table)
-SAMPLE (Sample ID, A is the uppermost sample in a borehole)
-SAMPLEDATE (Date of sampling)
-TOP (Elevation in m of top of soil sample)
-BOTTOM (Elevation in m of bottom of soil sample)
-Volume (Sample volume in cm³)
-Weight (Sample weight in g)
-DryBD (Dry bulk density [105°C, 24h] in g/cm³)
-LOI (Loss On Ignition [550°C, 4h] in weight%)
-FeCBD (Citrate-bicarbonate-dithionite-extractable iron in mg/kg air dry soil)
-Feox (Oxalate-extractable iron in mg/kg air dry soil)
-TOC (Total Organic Carbon in weight%)
-TN (Total Nitrogen in weight%)
-CaCO3 (Calcium carbonate in weight%)
-Porosity (volume%)
-BOREHOLENO (Borehole number/ID corresponding to ID in the BOREHOLE table)
-INTAKENO (Intake number corresponding to SCREENNO in the SCREEN table)
-DATEOFMEAS (Date of water level mesurement)
-TIMEOFMEAS (Time of water level measurement)
-WATLEVMSL (Water level elevation in m, DVR90)
-LABID (Laboratory ID)
-BOREHOLENO (Borehole number/ID corresponding to BOREHOLENO in the BOREHOLE table)
-SCREENNO (Intake number corresponding to SCREENNO in the SCREEN table)
-SAMPLEDATE (Date of sample collection)
-O2 (Oxygen, O2 in mg/L)
-NH4N (Ammmonium, NH4+-N in mg N/L)
-NO3N (Nitrate, NO3--N in mg N/L)
-Ntotal (Total nitrogen in mg N/L)
-SO4 (Sulplate, SO42- in mg SO42-/L)
-Temp (Temperature in °C)
-Ctotal (Total organic carbon in mg/L)
-d2H (δ2H in ‰)
-d18O (δ18H in ‰)
-Br (Br- in ppm)
determination by temperature-probe
0,45µm filtrated, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES)
0,45µm filtrated, photometric determination
0,45µm filtrated, photometric determination
nondispersive infrared sensor (NDIR) after combustion
determination by oxygen-probe
pH-probe determination
Title | created | Filetype | Actions |
Fensholt.xlsx | 06. Dec. 2019 10:33 | datatable: .xlsx |
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