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Profile Data of Lake Mueggelsee Measurement station.
Since the station creates high frequent measurement data that causes large files, we decided to split the time series in four parts.
Please Note
The data provided in this database are raw data. IGB takes no responsibility for any outcome which is based on the data usage.
Die Forschungs- und Messtation "Georg Mothes" wurde 2001 errichtet und liegt ca. 300m vom Nordufer des Sees entfern.
Die Station hat meteorologische und wasserphysikalische Messsystem installiert. Die Seetiefe beträgt an dieser Stelle ca. 5.5m.
Bei Eis wird die Messstation in den Hafen transportiert. In dieser Zeit erfolgen keine Messungen in den hochaufgelösten Intervallen.
determination by temperature-probe
determination by conductivity-probe
determination by oxygen-probe
determination by oxygen-probe
pH-probe determination
Attention: There are two different methods:
HPLC - High Performance Liquid Chromatography (ex situ)
YSI - Chlorophyll Sensor in Multiparameter probe (in situ)
A measurement of Blue algae concentration.
Unit RFU: relative fluorescence units.
Title | Upload date | Filetype | Licence | Actions |
1_2_measuring_station_Müggelsee.pdf | 16. Feb. 2021 19:44 | Download | ||
1_1_Messstation_Müggelsee.pdf | 16. Feb. 2021 19:44 | Download |
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Estimated Time:
While parsing a file, the database has to perform various tasks, some of them needs a lot of CPU and memory for larger files.