Dataset with interaction effect sizes and classification of interactions. Moderator variables also included. Column description Surname of first author publication Year= Year of publication Code= Internal unique code for the manuscript Subextraction= Observation number within the manuscript Country= Country where the experiments where performed Stressor_A_class= Stressor classification of Stressor 1 in the observation Stressor_B_class= Stressor classification of Stressor 2 in the observation Control_Mean= Mean of the response measured for the control treatment Control_SD= Standard deviation for the control treatment Control_N= Number of replicates of the control treatment StressorA_Mean= Mean of the response measured for the stressor 1 treatment StressorA_SD= Standard deviation for the stressor 1 treatment StressorA_N= Number of replicates of the stressor 1 treatment StressorB_Mean= Mean of the response measured for the stressor 2 treatment StressorB_SD= Standard deviation for the stressor 2 treatment StressorB_N= Number of replicates of the stressor 2 treatment StressorAB_Mean= Mean of the response measured for the stressor combination treatment StressorAB_SD= Standard deviation for the stressor combination treatment StressorAB_N= Number of replicates of the stressor combination treatment Interaction_Effect_Size= Interaction effect size calculated in the MultipleStressR package Interaction_Variance= Variance of the interaction effect size calculated in the MultipleStressR package Interaction_CI_Lower = Lower limit of the 95% confidence interval of the Interaction effect size calculated in the MultipleStressR package Interaction_CI_Upper= Upper limit of the 95% confidence interval of the Interaction effect size calculated in the MultipleStressR package Interaction_Classification= Type of interaction classified with the MultipleStressR package without directionality Presence.of.MZB= Moderator variable for presence or absence of macroinvertebrates in the experiment (NoMI= No macroinvertebrates, WithMI= With Macroinvertebrates) Dispersal.allowed= Moderator variable for dispersal potential of the experiment (Dispersal= The system allows for immigration of new organisms during the experiments and/or artificial dispersal was performed, No dispersal= No dispersal was allowed) Mycorrhizal_assn= Most associated mycorrhyzal type of the plant producing the litter used in the experiment (AM= Arbuscular mycorrhizae, EcM= Ectomycorrhizae) Flow= Habitat type mimicked by the experiment (Lentic or Lotic) Time.under.stressor= Total duration of the experiment under both stressors (days) Initial.mass.litter= Litter mass in the experiment (g)