readme_type,references,description table,All,"All CSV files are encoded in UTF-8. When importing into Excel, select ""65001: Unicode (UTF-8)""" table,All,"All datetimes are specified in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) in the time zone ""Europe/Berlin"" (Central European Time / Central European Summer Time)." table,All,Details on all measurement methods can be found in detail in Integrated ecohydrological hydrometric and stable water isotope data of a drought-sensitive mixed land use lowland catchment (Tetzlaff et al. in Review) table,All,"For all locations and data, SD indicates the standard deviation of the measurement error" table,All,UTM33 refers to EPSG:32633 in the World GeodeticSystem 1984 ensemble. table,Discharge,Discharge rating curve from 2007-present for Demnitz Mill is described with Q = a*L^2 + b*L (a = 0.716302939337263 and b = 4.05144201686773 ) table,Discharge,Discharge rating curve from pre-2007 for Demnitz Mill is described with Q = a*L^b (a = 3.88986031673413 and b = 1.64813012055846 ) table,Forest_Grass_Isotopes,Water content of the soil isotopes represents the water weight extracted from the sample table,Forest_Sapflow,"Sapflow is shown as the average of all ""reasonable"" tree site data. Data quality checks were conducted to remove erroneous sensors (4 sensors removed of 32 installed) and remove erroneous data peaks. Site with suspect data and trends were not used in the averaging. The remaining 28 sensors were used with the respective tree sapwood area, adjusted to forest area for a representative measure of the forest stand transpiration." table,Forest_Soil_Moisture;Grass_Soil_Moisture,"For soil moisture sites: fn is forest north, fs is forest south, gw is grass west and ge is grass east. Drections indictate a relative position in the site and are strictly for id purposes. Id's are presented here for incusion of all available data. Average represents an average of all samples (at the site) of the same depth." table,Groundwater,"Groundwater (tab name) data only begin in 2018, re-established and transfer of institution of data collection and managment. As these levels are reestabished they are separate from the long-term data for transparency." table,Groundwater,"Groundwater levels (recorded in level below surface) have been corrected to meters above sea level. Where data were not recorded, values have been replaced with NaN." table,Isotopes,All discharge isotopes locations are grab sample locations unless otherwise specified in the sample type. table,Isotopes,Brannan_Rain_Gauge_totalisator samplers were used for weekly sampling frequency only table,Isotopes,Grab samples and automated sampling locations are indicated in each sheet for each dataset table,Isotopes,"Groundwater isotope samples were collected ~1/month as a grab sample. Water was pumped out of the well, followed by allowing the well to refill to collect a more representative sample of groundwater." table,Isotopes,Hasenfelde precipitation isotopes are from daily precipitation. All other precipitation isotope sites are event based (where possible) to weekly collected data. All applicable weather conditions for the samples are available in the weather column table,Isotopes,Throughfall installation date for all sites 2018-July-09 -- 5 sites in Forest A (FAP). Throughfall samples were collected at the same frequency as precipitation isotopes (non-daily precipitation) table,Isotopes;Forest_Grass_Isotopes,"All liquid water isotopes were cooled and analyzed with Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS, L2130-i, Picarro, Inc., CA, USA)." table,Meteo_Hasenfelde,"Hasenfelde meteorological station was set up in March 2018, and maintained regularly. Data are collected via site visits and cloud data transfer. Data or sensor errors have been replaced with NaN" table,Meteo_Hasenfelde,Wind direction and wind speed are represented as average hourly data. table,Overview,Metadata for this data set. table,README,This file. table,Vegetation_Isotopes,Vegetation samples were frozen (-20oC) and analyzed using cryogenic extraction method and analyzed with Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy. Further details of the CRDS method is given in the accompanying manscript Integrated ecohydrological hydrometric and stable water isotope data of a drought-sensitive mixed land use lowland catchment (Tetzlaff et al. in Review) column,100cm_avg_moist_m3_m3,Average soil moisture content at 100cm from all installed sensors at the site in cubic meter per cubic meter column,100cm_avg_temp_C,Average soil temperature at 100cm from all installed sensors at the site in Celcius column,18O_ratio,Oxygen-18 ratio to oxygen-16 column,20cm_avg_moist_m3_m3,Average soil moisture content at 20cm from all installed sensors at the site in cubic meter per cubic meter column,20cm_avg_temp_C,Average soil temperature at 20cm from all installed sensors at the site in Celcius column,2H_ratio,Deuterium ratio to hydrogen-1 column,60cm_avg_moist_m3_m3,Average soil moisture content at 60cm from all installed sensors at the site in cubic meter per cubic meter column,60cm_avg_temp_C,Average soil temperature at 60cm from all installed sensors at the site in Celcius column,Cond_μS_cm,Groundwater sample measured conductivity in microsiemens per cm column,IGB1_after_cryo,Sample weight after cyrogenic extraction in grams column,IGB2_dry_48h_105C,Replicate weight after extraction (48hour at 105 Celcius drying) in grams column,O2_%,Groundwater sample measured oxygen saturation percent in water column,O2_mg_l,Groundwater sample measured oxygen concentration in milligrams per litre column,ROK_m,Length of the groundwater well above the ground surface in meters column,RWSp_PueS_m,Length of the well in meters column,RWSp_m,length of the unscreened well column,SD18O_rerun_‰,Standard deviation of oxygen-18 of vegetation water from the re-run column,SD2H_rerun_‰,Standard deviation of deuterium of vegetation water from the re-run column,SD_d18O_‰,Standard deviation of Oxygen-18 concentation in per mille column,SD_d2H_‰,Standard deviation of Deuterium concentation in per mille column,SD_level_cm,Standard deviation of the level of the water in the groundwater well above the sensor elevation (in cm) column,SD_moist_m3_m3,Standard deviation of soil moisture content at from all installed sensors at the site in cubic meter per cubic meter column,SD_net_rad_μV_W_m2,Standard deviation of net radiation in micovolts per Watts per square meter column,SD_precip_%,Standard deviation of precipitation in millimeters column,SD_rh_%,Standard deviation of relative humidity in percent column,SD_sapflow_temperature_C,Standard devaitiaon of Sapflow temperature in Celcius column,SD_temp_C,Standard deviation of Temperature in Celcius column,SD_water_level_cm,Stanard deviation of water level in centimeters column,SD_wind_dir_%,Standard deviation of average wind direction (in percent) column,SD_wind_speed_%,Standard deviation of average wind speed column,amount_mm,Precipitation amount in millimeters since the last sample time column,avg_net_rad_W_m2,Average net radiation in Watts per square meter column,avg_press_hPa,Average atmospheric pressure in hectopascals column,avg_temp_oC,Average temperature in Celcius column,category,the type of isotope sample column,chemcorrect_flag,Flag returned by Chem Correct column,chemcorrect_flag_rerun,Flag returned by Chem Correct during the sample re-run column,comment,Sample comment column,corrected_18O_‰,Corrected oxygen-18 concentration - accounting for organic content column,corrected_D_‰,Corrected deuterium concentration - accounting for organic content column,corrected_Dexcess_‰,Deuterium excess rusing the corrected soil water stable isotopic compositions column,d18O_rerun_‰,Oxygen-18 of vegetation water from the re-run column,d18O_‰,Oxygen-18 concentation in per mille column,d2H_rerun_‰,Deuterium of vegetation water from the re-run column,d2H_‰,Deuterium concentation in per mille column,d_excess_‰,Deuterium excess of Oxygen-18 and deuterium samples column,data_end,the end date of a data set column,data_interval,the interval of data in a data set column,data_name,longer name describing a data set column,data_start,the start date of a data set column,data_types,the types of data contained in a data set column,date,Sample date and time in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss). column,depth_avg_cm,Average depth of isotopic soil sample in centimeters column,depth_low_cm,Lower depth of isotopic soil sample in centimeters column,depth_up_cm,Upper depth of isotopic soil sample in centimeters column,description,the textual description column,discharge_cms,Discharge in cubic meters per second column,elev_m_asl,Elevation in meters above sea level column,extr_G,Extracted weight in grams column,extr_line,Extraction line number column,filename,the filename in which a data set is contained column,fn_100cm_moist_m3_m3,Average soil moisture content at forest north (northern edge of the sample area) at 100cm in cubic meter per cubic meter column,fn_100cm_temp_C,Average soil temperature at forest north (northern edge of the sample area) at 100cm in Celcius column,fn_20cm_moist_m3_m3,Average soil moisture content at forest north (northern edge of the sample area) at 20cm in cubic meter per cubic meter column,fn_20cm_temp_C,Average soil temperature at forest north (northern edge of the sample area) at 20cm in Celcius column,fn_60cm_moist_m3_m3,Average soil moisture content at forest north (northern edge of the sample area) at 60cm in cubic meter per cubic meter column,fn_60cm_temp_C,Average soil temperature at forest north (northern edge of the sample area) at 60cm in Celcius column,freshw_before_cryo,Weight before cyrogenic extraction in grams column,fs_100cm_moist_m3_m3,Average soil moisture content at forest south (southern edge of the sample area) at 100cm in cubic meter per cubic meter column,fs_100cm_temp_C,Average soil temperature at forest south (southern edge of the sample area) at 100cm in Celcius column,fs_20cm_moist_m3_m3,Average soil moisture content at forest south (southern edge of the sample area) at 20cm in cubic meter per cubic meter column,fs_20cm_temp_C,Average soil temperature at forest south (southern edge of the sample area) at 20cm in Celcius column,fs_60cm_moist_m3_m3,Average soil moisture content at forest south (southern edge of the sample area) at 60cm in cubic meter per cubic meter column,fs_60cm_temp_C,Average soil temperature at forest south (southern edge of the sample area) at 60cm in Celcius column,ge_100cm_moist_m3_m3,Average soil moisture content at grass east (eastern edge of the sample area) at 100cm in cubic meter per cubic meter column,ge_100cm_temp_C,Average soil temperature at grass east (eastern edge of the sample area) at 100cm in Celcius column,ge_20cm_moist_m3_m3,Average soil moisture content at grass east (eastern edge of the sample area) at 20cm in cubic meter per cubic meter column,ge_20cm_temp_C,Average soil temperature at grass east (eastern edge of the sample area) at 20cm in Celcius column,ge_60cm_moist_m3_m3,Average soil moisture content at grass east (eastern edge of the sample area) at 60cm in cubic meter per cubic meter column,ge_60cm_temp_C,Average soil temperature at grass east (eastern edge of the sample area) at 60cm in Celcius column,grav_soil_moist_g_g,Gravimetric soil mositure content in grams per gram column,gw_100cm_moist_m3_m3,Average soil moisture content at grass west (western edge of the sample area) at 100cm in cubic meter per cubic meter column,gw_100cm_temp_C,Average soil temperature at grass west (western edge of the sample area) at 100cm in Celcius column,gw_20cm_moist_m3_m3,Average soil moisture content at grass west (western edge of the sample area) at 20cm in cubic meter per cubic meter column,gw_20cm_temp_C,Average soil temperature at grass west (western edge of the sample area) at 20cm in Celcius column,gw_60cm_moist_m3_m3,Average soil moisture content at grass west (western edge of the sample area) at 60cm in cubic meter per cubic meter column,gw_60cm_temp_C,Average soil temperature at grass west (western edge of the sample area) at 60cm in Celcius column,gw_below_surface_m_asl,Groundwater level below the surface in meters column,lat_utm33,"Sample latitude in UTM 33 coordinates (EPSG:32633, WGS84)" column,lc_excess_tempelhof_corr_‰,Line conditioned excess relative to the long-term monthly local meteoric water line at Tempelhof using the corrected soil water stable isotopic compositions column,level_above_sensor_cm,Level of the water in the groundwater well above the sensor elevation (in cm) column,location,Sample location column,location_id,shorter identifier of a location column,location_name,longer name of a location column,long_utm33,"Sample longitude in UTM 33 coordinates (EPSG:32633, WGS84)" column,max_net_rad_W_m2,Maximum net radiation in Watts per square meter column,max_press_hPa,Maximum atmospheric pressure in hectopascals column,max_temp_oC,Maximum temperature in Celcius column,min_net_rad_W_m2,Minimum net radiation in Watts per square meter column,min_press_hPa,Minimum atmospheric pressure in hectopascals column,min_temp_oC,Minimum temperature in Celcius column,notes,any additional notes on a data set column,pH,Groundwater sample measured pH column,precip_mm,Precipitation amount in millimeters column,readme_type,"what this readme entry is referring to: a table (CSV file), column header name (across all tables), or an abbreviation" column,references,"the name of the table, column, or abbreviation that is being referred to (All=all tables)" column,replicate_number,Replicate number - for internal replication processing column,residual_water,Residual water content of vegetation sample column,rh_avg_%,Average relative humidity in percent column,rh_max_%,Maximum relative humidity in percent column,rh_min_%,Minimum relative humidity in percent column,run,Sample run number column,sample_id,Internal sample id for sample identification column,sample_id_a,Internal sample id for sample identification column,sample_type,Type of sample column,sapflow_L_day,Sapflow rate in Litres per day column,species,Vegetation species column,temp_°C,Groundwater sample measured temperature column,water_content_g,Water content in grams column,water_level_cm,Water level relative to the bed of the channel in cm column,weather,Current weather conditions at the time of the sampling column,well_bot_elev,Uncorrected elevation at the bottom of the well column,well_bot_elev_m_asl,Elevation at the bottom of the well in meters above sea level column,wind_dir,Wind direction (cardinal direction) column,wind_speed_m_s,Wind speed in meters per second column,year,Sample year abbrev,Cond,conductivity abbrev,GW,groundwater level abbrev,GW_iso,groundwater isotopes abbrev,NR,net radiation abbrev,O2,oxygen abbrev,P,precipitation amount abbrev,P_a,air pressure abbrev,P_iso,precipitation isotopes abbrev,Q,discharge abbrev,Q_iso,discharge isotopes abbrev,RH,relative humidity abbrev,ROK,length of the groundwater well above the ground surface in meters abbrev,RWSp_PueS,length of the well in meters abbrev,SD,standard deviation abbrev,SM,soil moisture abbrev,SM_iso,soil isotopes abbrev,Sap,sap flow abbrev,THR,throughfall amount abbrev,THR_iso,throughfall isotopes abbrev,T_a,air temperature abbrev,T_s,soil temperature abbrev,Veg_iso,vegetation isotopes abbrev,avg,average abbrev,cryo,croygenic extraction abbrev,d18O,oxyen-18 abbrev,d2H,deuterium abbrev,d_excess,deuterium excess abbrev,depth_low_cm,measurement depth at bottom of sampling profile abbrev,depth_up,measurement depth at top of sampling profile abbrev,dir,direction abbrev,elev,elevation in meters above sea level abbrev,extr_line,extraction line number abbrev,fn,forest north -sample id naming convention abbrev,fs,forest south -sample id naming convention abbrev,ge,grass east -sample id naming convention abbrev,grav_soil_moist,gravimetric soil moisture abbrev,gw,grass west -sample id naming convention abbrev,gw_below_surface,groundwater level below the ground surface abbrev,lat,latitude abbrev,long,longitude abbrev,moist,moisture content abbrev,net_rad,net radiation abbrev,precip,precipitation abbrev,press,air pressure abbrev,rh,relative humidity abbrev,temp,temperature abbrev,v_a,wind speed/direction abbrev,well_bot_elev,elevation at the bottom of the groundwater well